Monday, July 28, 2008

Kirkuk & Mosul not exactly safe, Erbil powers up

Turkmen political party's Kirkuk office shot up (Hurriyet)'

Suicide bomb in Kirkuk (AP, Kurdish Globe)

Bombings kill 43 in Baghdad & Kirkuk (AP, Kurdish Globe)

Mosul is still freaking dangerous too, although it is claimed that terrorist attacks have been limited. (Reuters, Soma Digest)

But in much better news for Iraqi Kurdistan, Erbil is expected to have 24/7 electricity by the end of August, thanks to a new power plant financed by the Trade Bank of Iraq. (Kurdish Globe)

Historical Amedy (aka Amadiyya, Amadiyah, Amedi) city gets a write-up, in the face of social change. (Soma Digest)

World music day rocked Suly (Soma Digest), while apparently Erbil fashion is all about bling (Telegraph).

Meanwhile, a Kurdish expat in the US argues an absurdly protectionist line against foreign investment in Iraqi Kurdistan. (Kurdish Globe - opinion)


Anonymous said...

and thank you for keeping this updated! this is by far the best resource out there for tourism in Iraqi Kurdistan

Anonymous said...

Yeah man! Thanks for it! Im planning on making a trip to Baghdad in October to shoot some video's, and visit the Americans in the Green Zone

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping this updated. Hey I also found a site you might want to check out, its called

NYartivist said...

I'm working with an organization that is planning a circus/theater tour for children in Kurdistan at the end of this month (Oct., 2008). As of now, is it still safe to pass through the Turkish/Kurdistan (Northern Iraqi) border? We're looking at flying into Van, Turkey, and then traveling to Erbil by land from there. Also, is the VISA situation the same as it was in 2007? I can't find anyone who's been able to answer these questions with updated info., so your immediate response is appreciated!!

Backpack Iraq said...

Laura, I believe the Turkey border is still open. I would advise checking the Lonely Planet Thorntree forum for up to date info.
Also, it would be easier to fly into Mardin or Diyarbakir rather than Van. Those two cities are closer to Silopi than Van is. Mardin is just 2 hours from the border.

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